MACSian Awards 2007
SMK Methodist (ACS) our alma-mater organised the Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah MACSIAN7175 Tahun 2007 on November
7, 2007 @ 10.00am at the school hall. Ms Chua Sock Lan, Diane Kuan, Goh Hock Guan and Tedin Ng were present to represent ACSmalacca71-75.
The students and teachers were made more aware of who & what MACSian71-75 was about through a short informational and
motivational powerpoint presentation.
For the unselfish efforts of all ACSmalacca71-75 members, HM Ong Chhian Po presented Certificates to
mark the school's appreciation.
If you wish to be part of our efforts to help the poorer students by way of school uniforms
and tuition and to provide the incentive for better academic performance, do join us by clicking on the links at the
bottom of this page.

Tedin on MACSians & a Motivational Presentation |

A pleasure to have Ms Chua present the awards |

Diane graciously presented the incentive awards |

A closing challenge from Hock Guan to the boys |

Mak Kai Kin hands over the OHPs to HM Mr Ong |

Hock Guan & Diane with HM Ong |
MACSian71-75 Fund Raising for ACS Malacca
Latest Nov 2007:
Again, ACSmalacca71-75 eGroup members have contributed and generated funds
for less fortunate, deserving and outstanding current ACS students. This year more than RM25,000 has been made available for
this noble cause and a presentation will be made at 10.0am, 7th November (Wednesday), 2007 at the school hall.
Started in 2006
ACSmalacca71-75 eGroup members made good their promise to help poor MACS
students by donating new shoes and uniforms to 28 eligible students from Forms 1-4 for their next academic year.
The group also sponsored tuition classes during 2006 in Maths and English for Forms 1 &
2 at a cost of RM3950.00
On 31.10.2006 Goh Hock Guan, on behalf of ACSmalacca71-75 Yahoo!Groups
members, presented special achievement prizes amounting to RM6300.00 in cash to 7th, 8th and 9th class position
winners from Form 1-5. A special MACSian 2006 award to the most outstanding student was also presented.
Earlier this year 3 units new OHPs and accessories were donated to the
school for their audiovisual teaching needs.
Members of this eGroup will continue to raise funds to help the alma-mater's
needy pupils and to provide incentives to motivate and encourage academic improvements especially among the average and
lower performers in each class. Join the eGroup to learn more and to participate.
How to Contribute:
If you wish to be part of this noble cause, please remit your contribution directly
into our bank account, specially opened for this purpose, PBB Taipan, Subang Jaya Account No: 313 542
3407 (Joint account under Ho Chee Shen, Goh Hock Guan and Loh Kai Mon) After the transaction, please send an email to c.c. to with your details for acknowledgements.
Join our ACSmalacca71-75 eGroup today:
Some Immediate Past Events:
1. The MACSian71-75 "Smell the Flowers" Gala Ball was held at the Holiday Inn
Malacca on 27th October, 2007.
2. A Berbuka Puasa makan was jointly hosted by Chee Shen, Ric, Wooi and Woon at
the Subang Sheraton. Thanks guys for the treat. May you all be blessed a thousand times over.